
Treehouse Family Hub

Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service is led by an experienced strategic leadership team who are dedicated and passionate about transforming the lives of children, young people and families.

Our Senior Leadership team comes with a wealth of knowledge across a range of different fields including Health, Social Care, Public Health and Early Years and we work together to set the strategic direction and priorities of the services within Essex.

Our Values
Our values are our moral compass and core to our DNA. They underpin the way we deliver our services and treat those who use our services.

To many organisations values are just words which don't translate into reality of the day to day.
At Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service, our values flow through everything that we do, they define who we are, what we stand for and set the expectations of our colleagues, communities, customers and partners.
They have been defined by our colleagues and have been integral to our journey so far and will be integral to our future as well.

  • Categories

  • Emotional and Mental Health
  • Children's Mental Health



