
Mind in West Essex – Saffron Walden

Making West Essex a place where people talk openly and positively about mental health, and where everyone gets the support and respect needed to live well well.

Our Vision is for West Essex to be a place where people talk openly and positively about mental health, and where everyone gets the support and respect needed to live well.

To help us work towards this vision we deliver a range of services and opportunities.

These include:

Counselling Out of hours Sanctuary for people in Crisis Mental Health Coaches Peer Support workers Supported Self Help Suicide Awareness Schools Teams Social opportunities Wellbeing Assistants Volunteering Digital Groups A range of Mental Health related Training

On the Mind in West Essex website you will find more details about each of the above, along with how to refer yourself or someone else.

  • Categories

  • Children's Mental Health
  • Bereavement and Child Loss
  • Mental Health



