
Mental Health Mates

Mental Health Mates is an internationally recognised resource for anyone experiencing mental health challenges.

Mental Health Mates is an internationally recognised resource for anyone experiencing mental health challenges.

At MHM, we know, from personal experience, that mental illness magnifies through isolation. We believe that nobody has ever recovered from a mental health issue without first talking about it, and that sharing stories helps people to take the first steps to recovery.

We support you to create community groups, that not only help others, but also help you, by showing you what you are capable of ' because we believe that finding power over your experience allows you to take back some control over the stuff in your head.

MHM provides a healing environment, but it is not therapy. It is run by people who are not experts in mental illness, but who have endless experience in it. It is peer support at its finest: we have seen people thrive and come alive though our walks, not to mention forming friendships that help people move forward and grow.

Local Walk Leaders Chelmsford – Sally, Pitsea – Lynda South Woodham Ferrers – Emma, Thurrock – Hayley,

  • Categories

  • Emotional and Mental Health
  • Mental Health



