
Men's Health Forum

One man in five dies before the age of 65. TOGETHER we can change that.

We carry out research:

with Universities and academic institutions with other charities (e.g. Carers' Trust, Relate, Mind, Time to Change, Work Foundation) directly with men and with health practitioners

We raise awareness:

through Men's Health Week through PR coverage – Guardian, Daily Star, Sunday Times

We advocate for men’s health:

through the Health & Care Strategic Partnership through the All Party Parliamentary Group through Local Authorities & Directors of Public Health through Professional bodies – RSPH & RCGP

We share and encourage the latest good practice:

through Conferences through Training through Consultancy through our ?How to' guides

We provide health information and advice:

through our ?Man Manuals' (in partnership with Haynes) through our Website through our Workplace Comedy events through our Workplace Toolbox talks

  • Categories

  • Emotional and Mental Health
  • Men's Mental Health



