
Jump Start Centre

Jump Start is a team of highly experienced and qualified occupational therapists offering specialist services to children, and young people. The dynamic team, led by Claire Pemrick, practise Sensory Integration Therapy, and have expanded to offer Sensory Attachment Intervention, Theraplay, Feeding Therapy, Listening Therapy and Sleep Counselling.

The centre is visited by children with all levels of ability, including ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorders), Attachment Difficulties, Challenging Behaviour, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Disorders, Attention Deficit Disorders, Fine and Gross Motor Difficulties. The centre offers
assessments, treatment programmes, unique sensory diets, contracts and training for schools and other agencies as well as producing outstanding reports to support EHCPs. Training courses are also run for parents and professionals on topics such as Introduction to Sensory Processing Disorders, Toileting, Emotional Regulation and Sleep.

  • Categories

  • Children's Mental Health



