

Who we are

Girls Empowerment Initiative UK CIC is a Community Interest Company based in Basildon, Thurrock and Essex. We are a non-profit voluntary organisation investing in programmes that provide specialist services to empower BAME girls and young women aged 0 to 21 to prevent and protect them risk of harmful cultural practices, beliefs and attitudes.

Girls Empowerment Initiative UK CIC supports girls going through unique challenges, such as those related to cultural and religious practices, teenage pregnancies, early sexual activity, child sexual abuse and exploitation, social media addiction and misuse, behavioural challenges, dropping out of school, and the challenges associated with having different beliefs and attitudes to their close relations. GEI works in partnership with local authorities and other organisations to put the voice of the young woman at the centre of assessments and interventions. Our community experts offer one to one empowerment support for girls in their homes or schools, and we also have an excellent network of community role models we can connect girls with for support.

Girls Empowerment Initiative UK CIC has mobilized a team of experts to provide highly specialized support in this field, which is generally unrecognized and poorly understood in the UK. Our passionate and committed team is diverse, drawn from the five continents of the world. We have backgrounds in social work, community activism, legal, and mental health care. Perhaps most importantly, some of us are survivors of these harmful practices turned leaders, who offer a unique understanding of the beliefs and practices underlying the harmful behaviours and can offer ways to work with families to improve outcomes for the .

Girls Empowerment Clubs We provide girls with empowerment skills to build their confidence and resilience. The club raises awareness on ALL harmful cultural practices, attitudes and beliefs and prevent harm on all girls through schools and universities The club involves training girls to set up their girls' empowerment clubs in schools and universities to have a space to provide peer to peer support. ONE 2 ONE Support For Girls At Risk We support your girl child to discover their strengths. We build your girl child self esteem and confidence. We support your girl child to develop essential life -skills We support your girl child in setting life goals and action plan. WE support your girl child to build their resilience and many more.

  • Categories

  • Emotional and Mental Health



