
Everyman Project

EVERYMAN PROJECT is a voluntary, charitable organisation based in London which offers a range of support services for men who want to stop behaving violently or abusively, and for the people affected by their violence or abuse. These include a focused brief counselling programme, a partner support programme, and a telephone help-line. Everyman Project relies on volunteers to support the organisation, provide the one-to-one counselling, and staff the telephone advice-line. All volunteers engaging with face-to-face clients receive clinical supervision on a regular basis.

What are violence and abuse?

At EVERYMAN PROJECT, we believe that violence or abuse is any act that hurts someone else, or forces another person to do what YOU want, but THEY DON’T. From intimidating, to pushing, to slapping, to punching, to beating up, to mental cruelty, to rape.

Why should I stop being violent or abusive?

Because if violence or abuse gets you what you want at all, its only in the short term. Because it doesn’t get you loved, or trusted, or happy. It only gets you feared. People do things because they fear people, true, but there are ways to get your needs met that don’t require the use of violence or abuse, and the damage they do. Or the pain of having to pick up the pieces afterwards.

  • Categories

  • Emotional and Mental Health



