
Essex Change

Essex Change is Respect Accredited community based prevention programme for men who want to stop being abusive towards intimate partners.

Essex Change has a men’s service, which provides a 27 week programme and post programme sessions and an associated women’s service that supports women who have experienced abuse.

Our associated Women’s Service aims to increase the safety of women and children by offering support and safety planning.

We provide:

Group work for men Individual sessions for men Individual support for women

Our men’s groupwork programme will enable men to :

Take responsibility for their use of violent and abusive behaviour. Identify beliefs and intents that underpin their abusive and violent behaviour. Acknowledge the effects of their use of abusive and violent behaviour on their partners and ex-partners, children, others and themselves Take specific, positive steps to change their behaviour in relationships using non- controlling behaviour strategies learned on the programme.

Please contact us for details.

Men’s Service

Phone: 0845 372 7701

Mobile: 07872 541982


Women’s Service

Phone: 0845 372 2201

Mobile: 07872 542573


  • Categories

  • Emotional and Mental Health
  • Men's Mental Health
  • Mental Health

