
Dying Matters

Dying Matters believes in an open culture that talks about death, and where people feel able to listen and support those who are planning for end of life, who are dying and who have been bereaved.

The lack of openness in society has affected the quality and range of support and care services available to patients and families. It has also affected our ability to die where or how we would wish. We want to break the stigma, challenge preconceptions and normalise public openness around death, dying and bereavement.

Dying Matters runs public facing campaigns, influences and campaigns for change, nurtures a professional network and works with partners to break down the stigma that surrounds death and dying.

We work with individuals and the general public, as well as organisations from across the NHS, voluntary and independent health and care sectors (including hospices, care homes, charities supporting old people, children and bereavement); social care and housing sectors; a range of faith organisations; community organisations; schools and colleges; academic bodies; trade unions; the legal profession and the funeral sector.

Dying Matters is run by Hospice UK, who took over the campaign in 2017 following a merger with the NCPC. The Dying Matters coalition originated in 2009 thanks to Department of Health and NHS England funding.

  • Categories

  • Emotional and Mental Health
  • Bereavement and Child Loss



